Wasteland 2

InXile Entertainment is a midsize developer that raised over $3 million on Kickstarter to fund the sequel to the 1988 Wasteland. Having invented the post-apocalyptic role playing game 15 years earlier, InXile sought to reinvent many aspects of this world, characters, and environment. InXile consulted Thwacke! to provide source material that would exist circa 1980-1990 and would help back the twisted evolution of creatures and environments within Wasteland 2.

We provided multiple concepts that discussed evolutionary trajectories of different species of animals that would and would not survive nuclear fallout and why. Our services were “on-call” for Wasteland’s team of writers to answer questions ranging from “How do I perform an amputation?” to “How to build a bomb using hardware supplies?”

This collaboration was further used to build on the visibility of Wasteland 2 as evidenced by press in VentureBeat, Gamasutra, Polygon and Ars Technica gaming media outlets.

Client: Inxile Entertainment Inc.

Date: October 2011

Categories: Creative, Development

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